生成式 AI、分布式扩展功能全面进化,还降价了。
Lesson 1 – Make evolvability a requirement Evolvability is a prediction for managing complexity 将可演化性作为一项要求,可演化性是应对复杂性的一种预判
Lesson 2 – Break complexity into pieces Disaggregate into building blocks with high-cohesion and well-defined APIs 将复杂性拆解成多个部分,分解为内聚性高且有明确定义 API 的构建模块
Lesson 3 – Align organization to architecture Build small teams, challenge the status quo, and encourage ownership 让组织与架构相匹配,组建小团队,挑战现状并鼓励主人翁意识
Lesson 4 – Organize into Cells In a complex system you must reduce the scope of impact 组织成单元形式,在复杂系统中必须缩小影响范围
Lesson 5 – Design predictable systems Reduce the impact of uncertainty 设计可预测的系统,降低不确定性的影响
Lesson 6 – Automate Complexity Automate everything that doesn’t require high judgement 使复杂性自动化,将不需要高度判断力的一切事务自动化